B.S,. Art Education, University of South Alabama
M.Ed., Art Education, University of South Alabama
Ph.D., Art (emphasis in Art Education), University of Georgia, Athens GA
Interdisciplinary Qualitative research certificate, University of Georgia
University of Arizona
ARE 130
ARE 496A
ARE 596A
FA 495/595A
ARE 535
ARE 633
ARE 695
Virginia Commonwealth University
ARTE 402
ARTE 665
ARTE 600/800 Special Topics in Art Education
Middle Tennessee State University
ART 3200
ART 3220
ART 3220
ART 3240
MALA 6000
Chair: Committee on Multiethnic Concerns (special interest group of the National Art Education Association)
Associate Editor, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education
Professional Learning through Research (PLR) Working Group, Pre Service Chair (2016-present)
NAEA Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (2017-2019)
Editorial Review Board, The Journal of Art Education (2016-2020)
Editorial Review Board, The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (JSTAE—2017-2019)
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Art for Life ( JAfL—2014-2016)
Pearson edTPA Scorer (Visual Arts, 2014-2016)
MTSU NAEA Student Chapter Advisor (2014-2018)
Africana Studies Program Development Committee (2014-2016)
Search Committee, Art Department Chair
Advisory Committee, Art Department Chair
Articles in Refereed Journals
wilson, g. j. (in press). Black geo-spatial inquiry and aesthetic praxis: Toward a theory and method. Studies in Art Education.
wilson, g. j., & Zuñiga-West, F. (in press). Intersectionality for art education: A manifesto for engaging homeplace through hip hop feminist art praxis. Art Education journal.
wilson, g. j., Acuff, J. B., Kraehe, A. M. (2022). A love letter to this bridge called my back. University of Arizona Press.
wilson, g. j., Coleman, A. C., Lawton, P. H., Price, A. (2021). Liberation kitchen:
Wilson, G. J., Acuff, J. B., López, V. (2021). Conjuring hands: The art of curious women of color. Hypatia: The Journal of Feminist Philosophy.
Coleman, A. & Wilson, G. J. (2020). Thot/Thought-Leading as Disruptive Pleasure. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education.
Wilson, G. J. (2020). The table setting as medium: Lived curriculum and mixed-race identity. Art Education Journal, 73(4), 14-21.
Wilson, G. J. (2019). Pre-service art education: Examining Constructions of Whiteness in/through Visual Culture. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education.
Wilson, G. J. & Shields, S. S. (2019). Troubling the “WE”: Slam poetry as subversive duoethnography. The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education.
Wilson, G. J. (2019). Visual(ization) education: Expanding possibilities of arts-based pedagogy. The Art Education Journal, 72(3), 50-53.
Acuff, J. B. & López, V. & Wilson, G. J. (2019). Lunch on the grass: Three women art educators of color. Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society.
Wilson, G. J. & Lawton, P. (2019). Critical Portraiture: Black/Women/Artists/Educators/Researchers. Visual Arts Research, 45(1), 83-88.
Wilson, G. J. (2018). Construction of the Blackademic: An arts-based tale in and through Academia. Visual Inquiry: Learning + Teaching Art.
Wilson, G. J. (2018). Global Consciousness in Art Education: Utility and Problematics of Curriculum Development within a Critical Postmodern Relational Praxis. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 35(1), 13-24.
Guyotte, K., Hofsess, B., Wilson, G., Shields, S. S. (2018). Tumbling from Embodiment to Enfleshment: Art as Intervention in Collective Autoethnography. Art/Research International: A Transdiciplinary Journal.
Hofsess, B., Shields, S.S., & Wilson, G. J.(2018). Tumbling Lessons: Using Tumblr Iconography to Strengthen Multimodal Teaching and Learning in Preservice Art Education. The Journal of Art Education, 71(3), 20-28.
Wilson, G. J.(2018). Providing Openings: Creating Pathways and Widening the Qualitative and Post Qualitative Fissures. To be published in S. Bridges-Rhoads, H. E. Hughes, and J. Van Cleave, Qualitative Inquiry.
Wilson, G. J., (2017). Fictive Kinship in the aspirations, agency and the (im)possible selves of the Black American art teacher. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 37(1), 49-60.
Wilson, G. J., Shields, S.S., Guyotte, K., Hofsess, B. (2016). Desirable Difficulties: Toward a Critical Postmodern Arts-Based practice. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 36(1), 115- 125.
Wilson, G. (2013). Life History Interviewing: Three African American art teachers’ lived experiences reconciling multiple identities. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Conference Proceedings
Wilson, G. (2014). Qualitative Inquiry in Art Education: Portraiture and Life History Case Study as Methodology. (Hanyang University, Seoul Korea), 175-182. Conference proceeding, Korean Society for Education Through Arts conference.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Wilson, G. J. (2020). Embodying Critical Arts-Based Research: Complicating Thought/Thot Leaders through Transdisciplinary Discourse. Transdisciplinary Feminist Research Practices. Routledge.
Wilson, G. J. (2018). Navigating “Crooked Rooms”: Intersections of Race and Arts Participation, Eds. A. Krahe, B.S. Carpenter and R. Gatztambide, The Arts as White Property. Palgrave McMillian Publishing.
Manuscripts Accepted
Manuscripts Under Review
Book Manuscripts Under Review
Wilson, G. J, Acuff, J. B., Kraehe, A. M. A Love Letter to This Bridge Called My Back (submitted to University of Arizona Press).
Books Manuscripts in Process
A love Letter to “This Bridge Called My Back” (in-process, anthology). G.J. Wilson, J.B. Acuff, A.M. Kraehe (Eds.)
Manuscripts in Process
Wilson, G. J. A Methodology for Blackness in Art Education (intended for Studies in Art Education)
Additional Publications:
Wilson, G. J., Bridges-Rhodes, S., Hughes, H. E., & Van Cleve, J. (2018). Providing Openings: Creating Pathways and Widening the Qualitative and Post Qualitative Fissures. Qualitative Inquiry, 24(10), 818.
Wilson, G. J. Committee on Multiethnic Concerns (COMC) Column of NAEA News: Advancing Art Education, a quarterly publication of the National Art Education Association.
Vol. 59, No. 4, Aug.-Sept. 2017
Vol. 59, No. 5, Oct.-Nov. 2017
Vol. 60, No. 1, Feb.-Mar. 2018
Vol. 62, No. 3, Jun-Jul. 2018
Wilson, G. J. (2020). Capture(d). Alabama Contemporary Art Center, Mobile, AL.
Wilson, G. J. (2019) #Blackademic. University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ.
Wilson, G. J. (2018) #Blackademic. McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown, OH.
Wilson, G. J., Shields, S.S., Hofsess, B., Guyotte, K. (2017). #tumblingbodies #academiccartographies. Todd Gallery, Middle Tennessee State University
Wilson, G., Guyotte, K., Shields, S., Hofsess, B. (2016).#tumblingbodies #academiccartographies. WJB Gallery, Florida State University.
PRESENTATIONS// National*, International**
Wilson, G. J. (2020). Critical conversations with pre-service art educators: Examining constructions of Whiteness in/through visual culture. Presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Minneapolis, MN.*
Wilson, G. J. & Brady Nelson, M. (2020). Beyond empathy: Using Freire’s critical consciousness to trouble social justice trends. Presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Minneapolis, MN.*
Wilson, G. J. (2020). Future orientations for social justice: critical issues and strategies for art education. Organizer for research roundtable (PLR) presentations of pre-service art teachers to be held at the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Minneapolis, MN.*
Kraehe, A.M., Acuff, J.B., Carpenter, B. S., Wilson, G. J., Bae-Dimitriadis, M., Lopez, V. (2020). Kitchen table conversations: Art educators of color mentorship and networking. Interactive panel session for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Minneapolis, MN.*
Lawton, P. H., Wilson, G. J., Coleman, A. C. (2020). Critical Conversations: Portraits of three generations of artists/educators/researchers. Interview style panel discussion for the Art & Education Social Justice Symposium, University of Georgia, February, 2020.
Wilson, G. J. (2019). Life and work of John T. Scott. Art Education Research Institute Symposium, Teachers College, New York, NY.*
Wilson, G. J. & Shields, S. S. (2019). Becoming teachers: A collection of critical arts-based educational ethnographies. Fifteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G. J. (2019). Emerging Challenges, Strategies, and Trends in Social Justice Research in Art Education. Co- organizer for research roundtable (PLR) presentations of pre-service art teachers to be held at the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Boston, MA.*
Wilson, G. J. (2019). Navigating the Loop: From Practice to Theory and Theory to Practice. Presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Boston, MA.*
Wilson, G. J. (2019). Affective Solidarity in Art Education: Experiencing (Bridging) the Gaps between Self, Other and Social Consciousness. Paper presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Boston, MA,.*
Wilson, G. J. (2018). Construction of the Blackademic: Sartorialism as Critical Arts-Based Autoethnography and Relational Practice. Art Education Research Institute, Naperville, IL.*
Wilson, G., Bertling, J. (2018). The Art Classroom as Socio-Cultural Practice: Visual Ethnography for Art Teacher Education, National Art Education Association conference, Seattle, WA.*
Wilson, G., Hyatt, J., Brown, S., Oliver, K. (2018). Committed to Inquiry: Emerging Issues, Strategies and Trends in Preservice Art Education Research, National Art Education Association conference, Seattle, WA.*
Wilson, G., Shields, S. S., Hofsess, B., Fendler, R., Coats, C. (2018)., Blurring Disciplinary Boundaries Through Contemporary Art: Unexpected Openings in Art Teacher Preparation and Curriculum Design, National Art Education Association conference, Seattle, WA.*
Wilson, G. (2017). #Blackademic: The Doctoral Robe: Sartorialism as Critical Autoethnographic Work. Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G. (2017). Critical Conversations: Engaging Duoethnography to Create Polyvocal Texts about Race. Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G. (2017). SRAE President's Salon: Thinking with Theory in Art Education Research, National Art Education Association conference, New York, NY.*
Hofsess, B., Shields, S., & Wilson, G. (2017). Beyond the Visual: Using Tumblr Iconography to Strengthen Multimodal Teaching and Learning
Wilson, G. (2016). Using Portraiture as Methodology for Critical Life History Work. Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G., Shields, S. S. (2016). 32 Shades of "WE": Slam Poetry as duethnography preformance, Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G., Shields, S. S., Guyotte, K., Hofsess, B. (2016). Bodies on the Move: Adventuring through Arts-Based Collective Autoethnography, Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G., Shields, S. S. (2016.) Critical conversations: Engaging duoethnography to create polyvocal texts about race. Paper presentation for the Art Education Research Institute (AERI) Annual Symposium, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL.*
Wilson, G. (2016). Choose Your Own Adventure: Counter-Narratives with/in Art Education, National Art Education Association conference, Chicago, IL.*
PLR Research Roundtable (2016). Invited presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Chicago, IL.*
Wilson, G. (2015). Navigating "Crooked Rooms": Case Studies of Three African American Art Teachers Reconciling Multiple Identities, 10th International Conference on Arts in Society, London, England.**
Wilson, G., Shields, S. S., Guyotte, K., Hofsess, B. (2015). The UnCharted Years: Moving through first year academic spaces.Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Champaign-Urbana, IL.**
Wilson, G. (2015). Beyond Colorblind Policy: Designing the Future of Visual Arts Education. Presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, New Orleans, LA.*
Wilson, G. (2015). Designing a Safe, Confrontational Learning Space to Discuss Difficult Knowledge. Presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, New Orleans, LA.*
Wilson, G. (2014). Navigating the Crooked Room: Portraits of Three African American K- 12 Art Teachers Reconciling Multiple Identities. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference (AERA), Philadelphia, PA*
Wilson, G. (2014). Social Media and the Urban Art Classroom: Providing A Safe Space for Critical Conversations. Presentation for the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, San Diego, CA.*
Wilson, G. (2013). Four Alternative Theoretical Lenses to Change the Educational Paradigm: Informal Learning, Systems Thinking, Play Theory, and Culturally Responsive Education. Paper presented at the Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference New Orleans, LA.*
Wilson, G. (2013). Mary Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education- Graduate Research Seminar. Presentation of dissertation research at the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Fort Worth, TX.*
Wilson, G. (2011). 21st Century Learner: (Re)envisioning the Lives of Stereo-typed Characters in Art and Film. Presentation at the National Art Education Association Spring Conference, Seattle WA.*
K-12 Teaching
Northampton County (7-12 Art)
Mobile County (6-12 Art)
Awards and Honors
College of Liberal Arts Faculty Student Mentor Award (Middle Tennessee State University)
Japan Fulbright Memorial Scholarship
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Teacher Institute for Contemporary Art
Outstanding Teaching Award (University of Georgia)
Mary Rosenblatt Award (University of Georgia)
Graduate Dean's Award (University of Georgia)