I have performed lectures and given workshops on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: creative habits of mind, diversity in and through education, stereotypes and the media (visual culture), and qualitative research methodologies. If you have questions about the nature of my lectures/workshops and are interested in inviting me speak to your group or event, please contact me! I have included a few selected talks/workshops below.
Invited Workshops/Lectures
Belcourt Theater, Science on Screen Speaker Series, Nashville, TN
"An Arts-Based Tale: Understanding the Social Science of Racism in Jordan Peele's GET OUT"
Albany Museum of Art, Albany, GA
"Mining the Gaps: Museum as 'Place' and Means to Build Foundations for Racial Understanding'"
Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education
"Facilitating Creative Thinking Dispositions: Learning to 'See Beyond the Ordinary'"
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
"Fictions of Kinship: Portraits of African American Art Educators"
Spelman College (Museum of Art), Atlanta GA
"Center of Gravity: The Black/artist/educator Navigating Crooked Rooms" (honorarium)
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
"Media Messages: From Schema to Stereotype"
"Race, Gender and Media: Images of Women in Visual Culture"
"Body Politics: Representation in Visual Culture"
Lamar Dodd School of Art
"Cognitive Psychology: Stereotypes in Visual Culture
"Arts Patronage and Community: Stereotypes in Visual Culture"
"(Re)envisioning the Lives of Stereotyped Characters in Art and Film"
"Experiences of Multiracials in America"
"Artistic Contributions for a Migrant Community"